domingo, 26 de junio de 2011


Concerto Gross nº 3 in the style of J.S.Bach.
(V. Hey Jude. Polonaise)
Arreglo de Peter Breiner.
Beatles go Baroque. Arr. Peter Breiner by rosaclave

(Naxos. Franz Halasz, guitar)
In the introduction to the first edition, Takemitsu writes: 'The guitar is a beautiful instrument
full of tonal variety. Although sometimes described as a "miniature orchestra", it clearly does
impose considerable functional limitations on the performer. But it is preciseiy these
limitations that endear the instrument to a composer or arranger and ignite his curiosity'
'I have a pafiicular affection for the guitar. I arranged these 12 Songs for my own pleasure,
but this was not my sole motif in creating this work. To be quite frank, I feel both surprised
 and disappointed by the scarcity of the repertoire for the modern guitar. In Japan especially, the world of the classical guitar is a self-enclosed one which seems to have lost all contact with the world of today. This is largely a result of the fact that playing the classical guitar has become little more than a tasteful pursuit, performers of the instrument exercising their highly polished techniques on the presenlation of a severely limited repertoire. Music does indeed have its beginnings in individual taste, preference and diversion. But it will never come to life unless it transcends this stage.

'l had no particularg rand aspirariona s I worked on thesea rrangementsi:t was my intention
rather to open a window on a new vision differing from the stereotyped vision generally possessed by guitarists.

'Each of the 12 Songs makes considerable technical demands on the performer, but the main purpose of the pieces is to serve as studies for instilling a sense of flexibility in the petfomer's style'.

Toru Takemitsu. 12 songs. by rosaclave

Y  el mejor de todos: Es una ALLEMANDA al estilo clavecinístico de F.Couperin, en la que se utilizan todos los recursos del compositor. Es muy interesante y podemos reconocer todos los "tics" del clavecinista (compositor e intérprete).
Está hecha e interpretada por el clavecinista sueco ANDERS DANMAN ( En un disco dedicado a nuevas composiciones en estilo barroco de canciones  de los Beatles).

'Beatles-F. Couperin' Allemanda Hey Jude (1) by rosaclave

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